Tuesday, January 26, 2010

1/26 Texas Birding Day 5 Bentsen State Park

Paul and Fran Bauer and Lois and I traveled to the Lower Rio Grande Valley the end of January
to see many birds that I have never seen. We returned along the gulf though lower Louisiana.
Click here to view all the trip galleries.

Day 5 2010-01-26: Bentsen State Park • Lower Rio Grande Valley Texas
A few of the birds are seen below, complete set and larger sizes in gallery. Click here to view the gallery.
A few birds shown on map to establish shooting location, click here for map.

Bentsen State Park was easier to navigate as it had a tram circling the area ever thirty minutes. But we had to make sure to catch the last one or hike out.

A few of the birds seen, complete set and larger sizes in gallery.
Click thumb below for large version. Hover thumb for names.
Feeding Station Buff-bellied Hummingbird Golden-fronted Woodpecker Great Kiskadee White-tipped Dove Altamira Oriole Great Kiskadee Black-headed Grosbeak Clay-colored Robin Olive Sparrow Couch's Kingbird Hooded Oriole Black and White Warbler Ringed Kingfisher Rose-throated Becard Common Ground-Dove Butterfly Plain Chachalaca Ruby-crowned Kinglet Golden-fronted Woodpecker Red Squirrel Indigo Bunting Javalino Plain Chachalaca Black-headed Grosbeak White-tipped Dove Couch's Kingbird Dragonfly Red Squirrel Lincoln's Sparrow Hooded Oriole Altamira Oriole

This bird was posted on ABA Rarities Alerts. Rose-throated Becard
Rose-throated Becard

Preview of Photos in gallery

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