Sunday, September 19, 2010

9/19 SLAS Pelagic Trip to Carlyle Lake

Carlyle Lake Illinois
St. Louis Audubon Society Pelagic Trip to Carlyle Lake

A few of the birds seen, complete set and larger sizes in gallery. Click here to view the gallery.
For location of birds click for Map here.

Click thumb below for large version. Hover thumbs for names.
Parasitic Jaeger - Carlyle Lake Illinois Parasitic Jaeger - Carlyle Lake Illinois Parasitic Jaeger - Carlyle Lake Illinois Red-necked Phalarope - Carlyle Lake Illinois Sabine's Gull - Carlyle Lake Illinois Sabine's Gull - Carlyle Lake Illinois Sabine's Gull - Carlyle Lake Illinois Sabine's Gull - Carlyle Lake Illinois Sabine's Gull - Carlyle Lake Illinois Sabine's Gull - Carlyle Lake Illinois Sabine's Gull - Carlyle Lake Illinois Merlin - Carlyle Lake Illinois

St. Louis Audubon Society Pelagic Trip to Carlyle Lake St. Louis Audubon Society Pelagic Trip to Carlyle Lake St. Louis Audubon Society Pelagic Trip to Carlyle Lake

Preview of Photos in gallery

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