Roads around Taberville Prairie • 4-Rivers and Shell-Osage • Wah'Kon-Tah Prairie After the ASM meeting we headed south hoping to find a Greater Prairie Chicken at one of the conservation areas. Our first stop was Weston Bend State Park to see the new trail signs that have some of my photos on them. I found one, first thumb below. At Taberville Prairie we ran into an agent radio tracking the chickens and was told where we might find them at Wah'Kon-Tah Prairie. We parked on the side of the road and just before sunset they started to appear about 120 yards out there. We eventually saw some heads pop up over the rise, none would come out for a full body view though. I counted about nine birds. They all took off to go to roost and I managed two flight shots. A radio antenna is visibly in the last photo.
Found a Greater Prairie Chicken which is my 305th "Bird Species Photographed in Missouri".
A few of the birds seen, complete set and larger sizes in gallery. Click here to view the gallery.
Click thumb below to popup large photo. Hover thumbs for names.

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