Friday, August 6, 2010

8/06 St. Charles County

Hwy B at Hodges Club Road, ~ 1 mile East of Golden Eagle Ferry turnoff
Firma Road St. Charles County 1/2 mile south of Dalbow Road intersection

Most of the photos and videos were taken at far distances and through major
heat waves so they are not very good but better then nuttin'.

A few of the birds seen, complete set and larger photos and videos in gallery. Click here to view the gallery.
For location of birds click for Map here.

Hwy B at Hughes Park Road approx. 1 mile East of Golden Eagle Ferry turnoff.
Click thumb below for large version. Hover thumb for names.
Spotted Sandpiper Spotted Sandpiper Lesser Yellowlegs Solitary Sandpiper Least Sandpiper Lesser Yellowlegs

Firma Road St. Charles County 1/2 mile south of Dalbow Road intersection.
Click thumb below for large version. Hover thumb for names.
Long-billed Dowitcher Caspian Tern Buff-breasted Sandpiper Buff-breasted Sandpiper Buff-breasted Sandpiper Semipalmated Plover Solitary Sandpiper Pectoral Sandpiper American Golden Plover Caspian Tern Little Blue Heron and Caspian Tern Belted kingfisher Buff-breasted Sandpiper and American Golden Plover Sandpipers in flight Bank Swallow Long-billed Dowitcher Long-billed Dowitcher Red-winged Blackbird Black Terns Firma Road St. Charles County Firma Road St. Charles County Firma Road St. Charles County Firma Road St. Charles County

American Avocet

American Golden Plover

Long-billed Dowitcher

American Avocet bathing

Long-billed Dowitcher

Preview 0f Photos from gallery


  1. Great pics, all things considered .. and the audio is always interesting..

  2. Haha gota remember to turn down the radio. Darn camera is just too sensitive.
