Hazelwood • Bridgeton bottoms • Riverlands Migratory Bird Sanctuary • Columbia Bottom Conservation Area
Western Kingbird update - Found two young at the Fee Fee Road spot but none at the nest area at the Bridgeton ballpark or at the end of St. Charles Rock Road. (See 6/30/10) I did find two on Ferguson Road at the west end of the flooded area. Other highlights were a Black-necked Stilt and two young at CBCA and a Black-crowned Nigh-Heron posing at the CBCA boardwalk.
A few of the birds seen, complete set and larger sizes in gallery. Click here to view the gallery.
For location of birds click for Map here.

Amazing photos! I can see the "whiskers" and the slight down turn of the upper beak tip of these Western Kingbirds. Thanks for the map too!