Audubon Society of St. Louis's 3-20-2010 trip to Horseshoe Lake started at the State Park where thousands of ducks, mainly Ruddy and Scaup sp. were viewed out in the lake.
A few of the birds seen, complete set and larger photos in gallery. Click here to view the gallery.
For location of birds click for Map here.
Click thumb below for large version • • • Hover thumbs for names
The group stopped at a grassy field on the way to Bend Road to find some sparrows. The only ones found were some Savannah Sparrows and a few Meadowlarks. Also seen in the distance were some gulls, an American Kestrel, Northern Harrier and a Red-tailed Hawk.
Here's "mysterious figure" Bill Rudden and I shootin' each other.
The discussion - Photo by Bill Rudden
Birding a grass field - Photo by Bill Rudden
SLAS Trip Leader Paul Bauer Chrissy and Andy in background - Photo by Bill Rudden
Al, guess what? I saw that photo of the Ring-necked pheasant you took on the trip with Paul and was sad I missed it...but then today, Andy and I went back to Horseshoe and there it was! A lifer for us both.