Western Wood-Pewee - Lake Lotawana, MO
A posting on the Mo. listserve announces the sighting of the first ever Western Wood-Pewee in Missouri. After some convincing, Paul, Lois and I were off early the next morning on the four and a half hour drive. It was soon located behind the houses continuing calling and following the call we finally saw it in the very top of a tree. Photographing it was very difficult, back lite, tree top to tree top, at a distance. Not to mention I forgot my tripod and had to use a mono-pod ... very unstable, especially for videos.
The Western Wood-Pewee is my 316th "Bird Species Photographed in Missouri".
A few of the birds seen, complete set and larger sizes in gallery.
Click here to view the gallery • • • For location of birds click here for map.

On the way back home we stopped by the Eagle Bluffs Conservation Area